
Images vs Words

     There are many ways to deliver a message to people but some of these ways might be better than others. In my opinion, sometimes we do not know how to express ourselves or what we think with words and communicating by images could be easier. An image can actually say a lot, and in the text form of The Convention of Rights of a Child does not makes an impact as much as the picture version. As we know, pictures are a visual form to tell a story, deliver a message or appeal to pathos. When you read about the Convention of Rights of a Child does not make a big impact as when you see the pictures.  The Convention of Rights of the Child talks about children's right but it does not shows any emotions.  According with the article 34 says, "Protect the child from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse" and it shows how the little girl covers her face. The little girl shown in this picture was raped when he was 3 years old and she barely speaks. This is a rea

Social Media

      One of the things that has been controversial during the past years is the social media. Social media has become an important ways of communication but it has also been a new way to disconnect that communication or connection to others. The social media has helped us to get connected around the world but the bad use of this powerful source has changed the way of communication with the people that is around us. When I say that social media has changed the way of communication with the people around us, I am referring to the fact that in the actuality most of the people get connected to their devices but the do not really spend time or communicate with other people around them since they are soy focused on their devices. In my opinion we should have a balance to know how to wisely use social media without getting addicted to it. 

Where Sweatshops Are a Dream

Where Sweatshops Are a Dream Kristof begins his essay by offering giving a tour of the vast garbage dump in Phnom Penh before Barack Obama's speech about ''labor standards'. He gives an explanation about how miasma of toxic stink leaves gasping and how even rats look forlorn. The problem he identifies is that Barack Obama and his team are trying to convince to their audience that Sweatshops are only a symptom of poverty but not a cause. Kristof's purpose in this reading is to explain how sweatshops are being  given a different meaning to the rest of the people. In order to accomplish this purpose, he appeals mainly to ethos. He emphasizes how people have a desire to work in a safer place. He also appeals to this statement by quoting a 19-year-old that said 1''I'd love to get a job in a factory, at least that work is in the shade. Here is it's hot.'' He refutes to people that is against to sweatshops, he refutes to this idea 

The next step of a couple in love


Violence or entertainment?

  Violent content is normally seen on TV, the Internet, Comics, and Video Games.Young people and children are the ones normally attracted by this violent content since they are more likely to spend most of their time watching movies, reading comics or playing video games. People normally think violent media is not good for kids since they are not mature enough to understand how important it is to differentiate between real life and entertainment. So when a kid sees something on TV, they sometimes copy what they see. Therefore, these kinds of images in their brains could make a big impact on them and that might eventually change their behavior.    It is important to understand that violent media can be an influence on young people and their behavior. According to J Adolesc Health,  Since the early 1960's research evidence showed that the exposure to violent content can change your behavior and it increases the risk of violent behavior on the viewer’s part just as growing up in a

Let's Argue About Something!

 A definition of an argument is a statement intending to persuade. We can not consider simply disagreeing as true arguments since those are just contradictions. An argument is not an angry exchange (quarrel), a spin or propaganda. There is two different types of arguments: formal and informal.We usually use informal arguments in our daily lives, while a formal argument is normally used in academic discussions.  Also, an argument is composed by a debatable statement. This generally rules out verified facts or simple preferences or tastes. To have an argument you do not need someone else, only an audience. Finally, to achieve an academic argument, it needs to take a stand, present evidence, include documentation, and use logic to convince an audience. After you have a valid argument, there are three different ways to persuade an audience which were created by Aristotle. They are known as Logos, Ethos, and Pathos. Logos refers to the logical appeal of the argument. This can be done b

Different points of view

One of the main reasons why people argue is that they want to prove that they are right. A positive way to argue is to understand that we need to respect the points of view of other people. On the other hand, not listening and only imposing our own point of view without a good statement or valid argument is considered a bad way to argue. Having said that, an argument is a statement intending to persuade another person that you are right. I normally try to make my statements clear and also listen to the other side with a willingness to understand it. I want to make sure that we both understand each other's argument and keep an open mind.