
Mostrando las entradas de diciembre, 2017

Images vs Words

     There are many ways to deliver a message to people but some of these ways might be better than others. In my opinion, sometimes we do not know how to express ourselves or what we think with words and communicating by images could be easier. An image can actually say a lot, and in the text form of The Convention of Rights of a Child does not makes an impact as much as the picture version. As we know, pictures are a visual form to tell a story, deliver a message or appeal to pathos. When you read about the Convention of Rights of a Child does not make a big impact as when you see the pictures.  The Convention of Rights of the Child talks about children's right but it does not shows any emotions.  According with the article 34 says, "Protect the child from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse" and it shows how the little girl covers her face. The little girl shown in this picture was raped when he was 3 years old and she barely speaks. This is a rea

Social Media

      One of the things that has been controversial during the past years is the social media. Social media has become an important ways of communication but it has also been a new way to disconnect that communication or connection to others. The social media has helped us to get connected around the world but the bad use of this powerful source has changed the way of communication with the people that is around us. When I say that social media has changed the way of communication with the people around us, I am referring to the fact that in the actuality most of the people get connected to their devices but the do not really spend time or communicate with other people around them since they are soy focused on their devices. In my opinion we should have a balance to know how to wisely use social media without getting addicted to it.